Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wildlife Viewing and Maine Moose Sightings

Where can I go to see a moose? This is one of the most frequently asked questions that visitors to The Moosehead Lake Region ask. Well, here you go, right from the Moose's Mouth: Depending upon the time of year, and even the weather, moose sightings vary.

It seems that Maine Moose sightings have been more common early in the morning, Just yesterday, 5 Moose were spotted around 6am near the DOT lot in Shirley. Moose sightings at the ponds have gone down with just 1 to 2 moose being seen, and sometimes none.

2 days ago, I was driving on RT 15 just south of The Cozy Moose Office, about 5 houses down, and a big bull moose had crossed the road and was running into the woods. The moose are moving about in the woods, hopefully they will find some good hiding spots as our Wildlife District Moose Hunt starts Oct 10th for 6 days.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Moosehead Lake Maine Fall Foliage Update

Moosehead Lake Maine - Fall Vacations - Fall colors at Moosehead Lake are now about 25% with leaf loss at about 15%. Just this week I have watched the colors come on as temps have dipped to the 40's at night. The weekend holds a promise of some beautiful fall weather with temps into the mid 30's, upper 40's, and sunshine with day time highs in the 60's.

Fall fishing, hiking, leaf peeping tours and moose watching are amoung some of the most popular activities that visitors enjoy. Check out fall vacations at Moosehead Lake visit