Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Fall Foliage High Color Moosehead Lake Maine

        Near Peak Fall Colors in Greenville Maine Moosehead Lake Region

It is colorful in Greenville Maine. Today I went for a walk and decided to declare "Near Peak".
To me that is a time when the fall colors will not get much better than what I see. We have low fairly low leaf loss and the yellows have started to pop out in the last few days. 

One never knows just how long the colors will last, and once the leafs fall,  well .... then enough said. 
Now we have color on the trees with an array of green pines setting the contrast for color and yes, look here, some blue sky with few decorative clouds.

My walk this morning was exciting. The rain we got came with out high winds, and thus the leaves held on great. I hope it prolongs the foliage show for few more weeks. The trail was scattered with colors and the striped maple yellows have just started to come on strong. As I passed by a stand of white pines, the smell was wonderful. 

Looking for color, then head to Greenville this weekend. Everyday is  a gift, that is why the call it the present. So don't delay, enjoy life and live in the moment.

Fall color tours by float plane, ATV, Jeep, or van into moose country are available in the area and will be running throughout the weekend. Book a lakeside cabin, lodging options for the Columbus day weekend are available in the area. Minimum stays for 3 nights at The Cozy Moose Lakeside Cabins is an option as we have one opening left.  Visit www.mooseheadcabins.com for more information. 

Happy Trails - Be sure to get out and about and enjoy this special time of year!